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Hello, my name is Kaye Byard. I am excited to be teaching at Montgomery Central Elementary. I taught kindergarten for seven years before changing to 1st grade in 2005. I loved moving up and I enjoyed every day of first grade until 2013 when I made the move to Library Media Specialist. I try to make each day the best possible learning experience for each one of my students and me. I earned my teaching degree at Western Kentucky University. I finished my Masters program from the University of Memphis online in December 2012. I look forward to working with all the Montgomery Central students, staff and parents each day. I want to do my part in challenging all my library patrons to become lifelong learners!
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Open Checkout: The library is open daily 8:10-11:30 and 12:30-2:30 for students to come checkout books. Each classroom teacher will have a procedure for sending students to the library for open checkout.

Students are also allowed to checkout books at the end of library classes.

K-1st grade may checkout 1 book at a time. 2nd-5th may checkout 2 books.  Students may keep the library books for two weeks or 10 school days before they become overdue.

We do not charge overdue fees.  However, students are responsible for the replacement cost for lost or damaged books.

Library Class: Students will enter and exit the library quietly and follow teacher directions during class and checkout.

Classroom Books