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Hi I am Christina Fuller. I am a pre-k teacher and I have been with CMCSS since 2020! I am so excited to work with our youngest knights and continue to watch them flourish throughout the year. I am very passionate about early intervention and learning through play with hands-on activities. Which is the opportunity that Pre-K gives you!
“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”
― Fred Rogers
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In the classroom, I have the expectation that every student and adult enters the classroom in a positive and kind attitude. Through this we will be able to work together as a family and team! We will be successful in everything we do!

The expectation that we learn through play and hand-on activities. This may not seem like typical learning, but it is the most important thing for every student in my classroom.

Classroom Books