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Hello my name is Mrs. Ridings. I've been a teaching since 2021, and have been a first grade teacher each year! When I’m not teaching, I love to read books! I love spending time with my friends, family, kitty cats, and my snake. I also love to travel and I hope to go to every Disney park in the world. I am passionate about all of my students and them having a loving, and welcoming environment. My goal each year is that each of my students will grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
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  • Always treat everyone with kindness.
  • Always come ready to learn.
  • Make smart choices.
  • Follow directions the first time.
  • Listen when others are talking.
  • Raise your hand.
  • Take care of our school and classroom.
  • Work and play safely.
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
  • Always do your best work.

Classroom Books