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Hello and Welcome to the home of the Knights. I am Ms. Sullivan and I am super excited to be a Kenwood Knight and serve all students here. I have been in the school system since 2017 working with amazing students. I graduated from Tennessee State University. I love spending time with my family and traveling. Education has always been a passion of mine and getting to empower students is the greatest thing in the world to me. I have high expectations for this year and I know we will all reach our goals. Go Knights.!!!
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Classroom Schedule

7:50 - SEL / Breakfast

8:30 - Science/Social Studies

9:00 - Specials

9:40 - Reading

11:10 - Small Groups

11:25 - Lunch

12:00 - RTI

12:45 - Small Group

1:00 - Recess

1:30 - Math

2:40 - Dismissal

Show your Knight P.R.I.D.E

Classroom Books