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I am a native Floridian. In 2004, I received my Bachelor's Degree from the University of Central Florida. My first teaching job was a second grade teacher. Then I moved to Illinois, where I took year long graduate classes that taught me how students learn to read. I learned how to fix many misconceptions students have when it comes to reading. Fast Forward to 2009/2010, and I moved to the CMCSS school district. I have spent the majority of my general education career at Kenwood Elementary. In 2018, I took a leave of absence and got my Master's Degree in Special Education, where my passion lies in helping those struggling readers. in 18/19 school year I went to the middle school where I taught Literacy Intervention for 4 years, and a year at Kenwood High. Once a Knight, Always a Knight from elementary through high school. I am a divorced mom of 5 kids. My oldest a senior in high school, a special needs daughter, and a set of triplets. I also have 3 dogs and a cat.
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